By Jeff Sheppard 09 Dec 2019 no comment 1131 Views

Are you feeling the holiday blues?  Or are you the person who has your gifts wrapped, your cards mailed, your events scheduled, and your house decorated by the first of December?  Probably not!  If you feel that the holiday season gets busier every year, you’re certainly not alone.

But did you know that stress can have physical effects on your body? Many of us feel particularly stressed during the month of December.  Running around to parties, concerts and services; hosting events; buying or making presents; cooking dinners and baking desserts; untangling those knotted lights, or finding that one burned-out bulb on your tree…trying to make the holidays “perfect.”  It’s enough to wear anyone out.

Sheppard Chiropractic Centre would like to share our tips to make your holiday less “scary” and more “merry.”

Beat the holiday blues

Shopping can be a major source of stress.  Shop early, so you don’t have to fight crowds.  Shop locally and support the people in our community.

Along with shopping comes spending.  Set a budget and stick to it.  Manage your finances in December and you won’t have to worry about bills come January.  Also, with a little planning, you will spend your money on things you need and things you truly want, instead of on impulse buys and throwaway “extras.”

Many of us have more “stuff” than we need.  The person who “has everything” might enjoy an experience, like a gift certificate to a local restaurant, or tickets to an event.  Or, if your group is trying to curb spending, perhaps you might agree to draw names.  Each person would buy a gift for the person whose name they chose, instead of buying gifts for everyone.

Learn to say “no.”  There is never a shortage of events during the holidays.  It’s also important to take time for self-care.  Decide what events are the most important and meaningful to you.

Similarly, it’s easy to get stressed out while trying to make Christmas, or a party, or a get-together “perfect.”  Family and friends should value spending time with you more than they value your flawless décor or the food you are serving.  Maintain traditions that are meaningful and affordable; let the rest go.

Chiropractic care is a proven way to alleviate stress.  Contact Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 and book an appointment in advance of the holiday rush.

Also, many insurance plans re-set in the new year.  If you haven’t used all your insurance for this past year, make the most of the money that remains on your plan.  The majority of people benefit from regular chiropractic maintenance care.

The staff of Sheppard Chiropractic Centre wish you a happy holiday season.

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