By Jeff Sheppard 11 Apr 2023 no comment 375 Views

Many people go to a chiropractor regularly but never think of taking their children for maintenance care.

Why is this?

There is a “myth” that only adults get back pain.  Back pain often results from years of stress, untreated injuries, and cumulative wear.

Children have spines too.  Those spines are vulnerable to stress and injury just as adults’ spines are.

How do chiropractors care for kids and infants?

Surprisingly, the first stress placed on a child’s spinal column is during the birthing process. Equally surprising is the fact that 25% of children surveyed at school reported a history of back pain.

Learning to walk subjects a child’s spine is frequently subjected to repeated forces.  By the time kids are school-age, they are toting backpacks around.  Hopefully they are also participating in regular physical activity.  Also, they occasionally suffer falls and “wipe-outs” as they develop their athletic skills and test their limits.  All these factors place pressure on their growing spines.

Many adults that come in to a chiropractor’s office show evidence of childhood injuries to their spine.  Those injuries are contributing factors to their current pain and other problems that they experience today, as grown-ups. This is why it is so important to have your child’s spine checked regularly for misalignments.

Are chiropractic adjustments safe for children?

Absolutely! Because a child’s skeletal system is still developing, there is a great deal of elasticity within the joints. Light pressure is usually all that is needed to adjust a child’s spine.

The next time you come in to our office, bring your children! The few minutes you invest in your child’s spinal checkup today may save them needless suffering tomorrow.

We can help your children’s bodies to be at their best.

What if you don’t have a family chiropractor?  We are accepting new patients, including children. We are honoured to care for kids.

If your children are already patients, but we haven’t seen them in some time, give us a call to schedule maintenance appointments.

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