By Jeff Sheppard 15 Nov 2019 no comment 925 Views

It’s important to warm up before any physical activity to minimize the risk of injury.  General stretches are fine, but here are some sport-specific warm up suggestions.  Your chiropractor can give you more detailed recommendations on stretches for your specific sport.

Warm up at home, focusing on your lower back and leg muscles such as hamstrings and calf muscles.  Travel to your destination and warm up again before you begin.

Stretches for popular winter sports

Skating/Hockey:  Do lunges.  Take a forward step with your right foot, and let your left knee sink towards the floor.  Remember to keep your shoulders aligned with your hips.  Repeat 5-10 times, and do it again starting with your left foot.

Skiing/Snowboarding:  Do squats.  Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, align your knees above your feet, and lower your buttocks slowly.  Straighten up slowly and repeat.  Do 10-15 squats once you arrive at the ski hill or before setting out on the trail.

Tobogganing:  Your spine needs to be as flexible as possible while you bounce over the snow.  Do some knee-to-chest stretches while sitting or lying on your back.  Pull your knees to your chest and hold for 30 seconds.  Repeat several times.

If you don’t see your sport on this list–no worries!  Your chiropractor can make customized recommendations for you.

If you are active, whether just for fun or as part of a sports league, regular chiropractic maintenance is particularly important for you to perform your best as well as minimize your risk of injury and ward off aches and pains.

If you are thinking of trying a new sport or increasing your activity level, your chiropractor can make recommendations based on your individual needs.

Call Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 today to schedule your next appointment.

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