By Mary Pletsch 06 Aug 2020 no comment 1251 Views
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome causes numbness, tingling, and discomfort in the hand and arm. It can also affect your ability to grip and lift objects.
It’s caused when pressure is placed on the median nerve. This nerve runs through a passageway in your wrist called the carpal tunnel.
While there is no agreement on why exactly some people develop carpal tunnel syndrome and others don’t, there is evidence that some people are more at risk than others.
If you perform repetitive flexing motions with your wrist at work, you may be more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome and other wrist problems. Examples of such jobs include people who work on computers, assembly line workers, and people who work with vibrating tools.
If your carpal tunnel is narrow, you are also at an increased risk. On average, women tend to have narrower carpal tunnels than men. Or, if your wrist has been fractured or dislocated, the space within the carpal tunnel might be smaller. Arthritis can have a similar effect.
If you have nerve-damaging or inflammatory conditions, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, your median nerve might be more vulnerable.
What can you do to reduce your risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Reduce the force in your grip. If you type on a keyboard or hit buttons on a cash register, hit the keys softly. If you use a pen all day, consider a grip adapter or a large-barreled pen.
Avoid completely flexing your wrist. Whether you’re typing on a keyboard or playing a piano, keep your wrists in a relaxed middle position. Position keyboards at or just below the height of your elbow. If you can’t change the height of the keyboard—as with a piano—change the height of your bench or chair. And if you can’t break a bad habit, consider a wrist brace. You can purchase these at the pharmacy. They will prevent you from fully flexing your wrist without thinking about it.
Practice proper posture. Sit up straight and the effects will be felt all the way down to your fingers.
Use correct ergonomics. There are keyboards and computer mice designed to minimize wrist strain. They should be comfortable to use. You should not have to lunge or stretch to manipulate your mouse. It might take time to get used to the shape of an ergonometric keyboard, but the results are worth it.
Keep your hands warm. Cold environments increase the risk of stiffness and hand pain. If you can’t control the temperature, invest in fingerless gloves.
Take breaks often. Stretch and bend your wrists and fingers. If you use vibrating tools, alternate tasks when possible to give your hands a rest.
If you do start experiencing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic care and laser therapy can help. Don’t delay – catching carpal tunnel early increases the odds of full recovery. Call Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 for your appointment.