By Jeff Sheppard 08 Mar 2020 no comment 1232 Views
Many of us struggle with getting enough good quality sleep. These tips can help.
The bedroom should be a safe, secure and quiet place to sleep.
Keep electronic devices like cell phones, TVs, video games, and tablets out of the bedroom. Using these devices in bed gives your brain a signal to “wake up and pay attention,” which isn’t a good association to build with your bed. Going to bed should signal your brain that it’s time to rest.
Establish a bedtime routine.
Parents know that a short, consistent routine helps children to relax. Such a routine can help adults too. The routine develops a pattern that cues the brain to prepare for sleep. Set a bedtime, and 15 to 30 minutes before, begin the bedtime routine. It might include putting on pyjamas, brushing teeth, story time for children, or listening to soft music.
Keep your schedule on the weekends.
Don’t stay up late on Friday night just for the sake of it. Throwing your sleep schedule out of whack on the weekends will make it harder for you to get back into routine on Sunday night.
What you do during the day can help you to sleep at night.
Exercise during the day can improve the quality of your sleep. But exercise close to bedtime will give you the “runner’s high” – and you don’t want an extra boost of energy right when you’re trying to drift off to sleep. Aim to minimize exercise in the two to three hours before bedtime. Use this time for more sedentary activities.
What you eat and drink can also affect your sleep.
Some people avoid caffeine after noon hour. If you like a coffee or tea after supper, make it decaf. Overindulgence in alcohol makes for poor quality sleep, among other negative health effects.
Keep your bedroom cool.
Most people sleep better if they’re not overly warm. Turn down the thermostat at night, and don’t wear tight-fitting clothing to bed. Fresh air can also help you get restful sleep.
The quality of your mattress can prevent quality sleep.
If your mattress is too soft, it won’t support you and you will wake up with aches and pains. If it’s too hard or too thin, you’ll have a difficult time getting comfortable enough to sleep, or you might not be able to sleep through the night. You spend a third of your life in bed, so a quality mattress is a worthwhile investment. Be sure to try it out in the store before buying.
If aches and pains keep you awake at night, or if stress makes it difficult for you to relax and fall asleep, chiropractic care can help. Phone Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 to schedule an appointment.