By Jeff Sheppard 12 Dec 2022 no comment 461 Views
Many people resist using any kinds of assistive devices to get around. Able-bodied people might assume they don’t need to use handles or hold onto railings. Some people can benefit from using a cane or walker, but they feel that they don’t want to take it along with them when they leave their homes.
Unfortunately, all too often, able-bodied people find themselves surprised—and sometimes injured—from a winter fall. Most of these people never worry about fall injuries because they aren’t a concern in their daily lives. After a hard fall, they might not know the importance of seeing their chiropractors. Days, weeks, or even months later, they may begin to feel the aches and stiffness from injuries resulting from the fall.
Meanwhile, many older people find themselves choosing to stay home more often, rather than risk falling or have to take a supportive device with them. This makes leading an active lifestyle difficult. Worse, inactivity raises your likelihood of a fall in future.
This winter, instead of staying on your couch for fear of falling—or feeling that you don’t need to think about falls at all—make the most of supportive devices that help you to move around safely.
In the winter, we all need more help
Several times throughout the typical winter, we find ourselves moving around on icy surfaces. Snow can also be slippery, and deep snow can tug at our boots and make us more likely to fall.
Holding onto your car door handle can help you to keep your footing when you’re exiting your vehicle.
Using a railing gives you an extra measure of safety on icy stairs, slippery ramps or wet walkways.
Choose sturdy footwear with good grips. It’s better to change into your dress shoes at your destination than attempt to walk around on snow or ice in smooth-soled shoes.
An assistive device exists to be used!
If a personal assistive device like a cane or a walker helps you to feel more stable and more comfortable moving around, then go ahead and use it! That is what it is for.
It is much better for both mental and physical health to lead an active lifestyle moving around with an assistive device, than to sit home simply to avoid using a walker or cane.
You do not need a doctor’s “permission” or prescription to use an assistive device. You can try one for yourself whenever you like.
What if I have a fall?
If you have a fall, it’s time to see your chiropractor. We can help to put your body back in alignment and reduce the aches from fall injuries. We can also support your body as it heals.
Contact Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 to schedule an appointment.