By Jeff Sheppard 22 Aug 2018 no comment 1430 Views

Did you know that one in every three Canadians over the age of 65 will fall at least once in the course of a year?  If you are concerned about falls, or if you are finding it more difficult to get around your house, consider these ideas for different parts of your house.  First of all, we’ll share tips for your bathroom and kitchen.  Next week, we will make suggestions for bedrooms and stairways.

Canada’s chiropractors are committed to reducing injury and disability from falls.  Regular chiropractic care will help to reduce your risks.  Furthermore, your chiropractor can test your balance, recommend exercises, and keep your musculo-skeletal system working at its best.


Install grab bars by the toilet and in the tub and shower area.

Consider a raised toilet seat to make getting on and off easier.

Consider a non-slip bath and shower bench.  As a result of having a bench, you will not need to lower yourself all the way into the tub.  Nor will you have to stay standing during a shower.

Use non-slip mats both inside and outside the tub or shower.


Keep everyday items on shelves within easy reach.

Use non-slip floor wax.

Either remove loose floor mats, or replace them with rugs that have rubber backing.

Wipe up spills immediately.

Never climb on chairs or stools to reach objects in high places.

Avoid laying power cords or extension cords across your path.  Also, curl up power cords when not in use (for example, on your crock pot or vacuum cleaner).  Finally, put the item away in a cupboard or closet.  The fewer items there are lying around, the less likely it is for you to trip.

Don’t rush to answer the phone or doorbell.  If the phone call is important, the person will leave a message.  You can call them back at a convenient time.  Visitors want you to be safe.  Therefore, they will be willing to wait for you.

Come back next week for Part 2:  Bedrooms and Stairways.

In conclusion, if you do have a fall, call your chiropractor right away.  Not all damage is immediately apparent; therefore, you will need to be assessed and treated by a chiropractor.  Phone Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 to make an appointment.

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