By Mary Pletsch 30 Aug 2020 no comment 976 Views

Last week we talked about the most important part of a child’s breakfast:  at least five tablespoons of a protein-rich, nutritious food.  This week we’re giving you some delicious, healthy options to consider.

Eggs are versatile

Eggs don’t take long to cook.  A pan full of scrambled eggs can be split between kids and adults to provide a quick breakfast for everyone.  Sautee spinach in the same pan used to cook scrambled eggs for a vegetable on the side.  Or fry up some tomato slices.

Hard-boil eggs in the evening and have them for the rest of the week.  They will keep in the fridge for up to a week if you leave the shells on until you’re ready to eat them.

Quiches, omelettes and breakfast scrambles can be prepared in the evening and will last several days.  Just heat them up and eat!

Think outside the “breakfast box.”

If your kids like chicken breast, lentils, fish, beans, nuts, seafood or turkey, there’s no reason they shouldn’t eat it for breakfast.  Healthy protein is healthy all day long.  Don’t restrict options to traditional “breakfast foods.”  Leftover chicken stir fry has protein and veggies, and is a much better breakfast than sugary cereal.

Look out for sugar

Nuts are a quick and easy protein source.  Be careful with nut and cocoa spreads and peanut butters. Many commercial spreads and nut butters are high in sugar.  Always read the ingredients.

Oatmeal and milk make up one complete protein.  As with spreads, read cereal ingredients carefully.  Avoid cereals with artificial colours, artificial flavours, and excessive sugar.

Whole fruit is preferable to fruit juice.  Juice is high in sugar, without the fibre of whole fruit.

Yogurt is another good choice.  Instead of sugary flavoured yogurts, slice fruit into plain yogurt, or sweeten plain yogurt with a little honey.

Fruits and veggies on the side

Enhance breakfast with fresh fruit and vegetables.  Banana, grapefruit, tomato slices, apples, berries…  just wash, slice and eat.  These are delicious sides to your protein of choice.

Choose brown bread over bleached white bread.  Use whole wheat flour to make pancakes.

Planning in advance makes a healthy breakfast easy

Cook breakfast foods the night before and have breakfast all ready to go in the morning.  Or, keep quick and easy nutritious choices on hand:  brown bread and low-sugar nut butter; oatmeal and milk; nuts and fresh fruit.

A healthy breakfast will keep you—and your kids—alert and at your best all morning long.

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