By Jeff Sheppard 14 Jan 2020 no comment 974 Views

Many people know that if they’re suffering from back pain, sore feet, or neck pain, it’s time to see the chiropractor.  For example, if you’ve been in a fender-bender, you know you need to make an appointment right away.  When you have a bad fall, your chiropractor is also the person to call.  If you’re  struggling with limited mobility, it’s best to call your chiropractor sooner rather than later.

The general public is less familiar with laser therapy.  When should someone seek out laser therapy?

Laser therapy is highly effective at treating the following conditions:

  • sports injuries
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • plantar fasciitis
  • ligament and tendon tears
  • rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • facet joint syndrome
  • bulging and herniated discs
  • rotator cuff injury
  • chondromalacia patella
  • bursitis and tendonitis
  • calcifications and bone spurs

If you suffer with any of the above, you owe it to yourself to ask about laser therapy.

Laser therapy is non-invasive.  That means there is no cutting, piercing, or surgery involved.

During a first appointment, Dr Sheppard will discuss your concerns and give you a preliminary examination.  In summary, if laser therapy is not right for you, we will make other recommendations.  That means you don’t need to worry about “getting it wrong.”

Similarly, what if you’re a long-time patient, but something has changed?  Something like a recent sports injury, or the development of carpal tunnel?  We will recommend you for laser therapy if it is the best way to treat your needs.

In conclusion, laser therapy is natural, painless, drug-free, and effective.

If you’re ready to discover what laser therapy can do for you, call Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172.

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