By Jeff Sheppard 20 Feb 2021 no comment 694 Views

If you are struggling with TMJ syndrome, it’s time to visit your chiropractor.

What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome.  Misfunctioning temporomandibular joints are the source of a collection of uncomfortable symptoms.  They include jaw pain, headaches, earaches, popping or clicking jaws, jaws locking in place, limited mobility in the jaw, changes to your bite, and dizziness.  When the jaw doesn’t work properly, eating and speaking can both be impaired.  They can also be impaired when using the jaw normally causes unbearable pain.

Muscle dysfunction in the muscles moving the jaw can cause TMJ.  Or, a disc cushioning the temporomandibular joint can be displaced or damaged.  Arthritis and other degenerative joint diseases can affect the temporomandibular joint.  Finally, temporal arteritis (inflammation or damage to arteries) can contribute to jaw pain and problems with jaw function.

Chiropractors are musculoskeletal experts. 

Adjustments to the upper cervical area and soft tissue work on the jaw can help to relieve pain, control symptoms, and increase the range of motion in the jaw.  Chiropractic care is an excellent way to address the headaches and neck pain that often accompany TMJ.  Chiropractic treatment can keep your nervous system working at its best and improve your overall wellness.

If you suffer from TMJ symptoms, keep the following tips in mind.

Over the counter painkillers can provide temporary relief, but they will not address the source of the problem.  It’s important to address the root causes.  We can help.

Use ice to relieve pain.  Heat may feel good but ice will be better at reducing inflammation long-term.

Avoid foods that require a great deal of hard chewing.  Gum, taffy, and jerky are examples.  Textures to avoid include sticky, hard, and chewy.  Choose soft foods instead.  What are examples of soft foods?  Soup, eggs, vegetables stewed until they’re soft, whole-grain noodles, and tender flaked meats count as soft foods.  Meal replacement shakes can be helpful during acute flare-ups.

Break habits that involve the temporomandibular joint:  open-mouth yawning, chewing gum, gnawing the tips of pens.  Rest your jaw whenever you can.

If you’ve got TMJ syndrome or any of the TMJ symptoms, contact Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 847-7172.  It’s our honour to assist you.

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