By Mary Pletsch 29 Mar 2018 no comment 1596 Views
Do you know why eggs and chicks are symbols of Easter? Eggs are symbols of renewal and new life. An egg doesn’t look very much like a chicken at all—it looks more like a stone. But when it hatches, new life emerges, and a baby chick comes out.
Similarly, during spring thaw, the world around us looks dead. Tree branches are bare, last year’s grass is brown and matted on our lawns, and our gardens are lumps of brown earth. But soon we will see buds on the trees, green shoots on our lawns, and flowers emerging from underneath the ground. Baby animals are born, and baby birds hatch in their nests. Easter is a time of renewal. There is new life all around us.
Make Easter a time of renewal for yourself as well.
Daily wear and tear adds up, causing our spines to go out of alignment. We might find ourselves feeling stiff, sluggish and not as flexible as we used to be. We might feel aches and pains nagging at us, distracting us from the things we really want to focus our energy and attention on. Also, we feel stressed and tired. Sometimes we shrug these symptoms off as a normal part of “getting older,” but that’s not necessarily the case.
This Easter, share in the renewal you see in the world around you. If you haven’t been in for maintenance care in a while, it’s time to call Sheppard Chiropractic and Laser Healing at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172. We will help you reach your best possible health so that you can enjoy Easter with your friends and family.