By Jeff Sheppard 02 Nov 2018 no comment 1424 Views

Many health care plans re-set in the New Year.  Have you gotten the most out of yours?

Health insurance provides assistance with common medical expenses.  For example, most people use health insurance to see their dentist for check-ups, or to get their eyes tested at the optometrist.

Most health insurance plans also cover chiropractic care.

Regular maintenance visits to your chiropractor help to keep your musculo-skeletal system in the best possible health.

Think of it like taking your car to the mechanic for a  tune-up, or visiting the dentist for regular teeth cleaning.  You don’t wait for your car to break down before you change the oil.  And you don’t wait for a mouthful of cavities before visiting the dentist.  Why wait for pain, or limited mobility, or injuries before seeing the chiropractor?  Stop small problems while they’re still small, and live your best life.  Maximize your wellness.  Be proactive with your health.

If you don’t use your health insurance, you don’t get twice as much money on your plan next year.  You have twelve months to make the most of the assistance your health insurance provides.

It’s autumn, and the holiday season is coming up fast.

If you still have health insurance left for 2018 and you don’t have your next maintenance appointment scheduled, it’s time to give Sheppard Chiropractic Centre a call and make the most of your coverage.  Contact us at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172.

Don’t forget your children, partner, spouse or family members.  If they’re covered on your health insurance plan, they can also benefit.

If you have questions about your health insurance coverage—how much you have, when your plan re-sets, your deductible—contact your insurance provider.  This information is confidential and can only be released to the plan holder.

Sheppard Chiropractic Centre offers the convenience of direct billing to patients whose plans permit this option.

We are accepting new patients and would be honoured to help you and your family feel your best.

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