By Jeff Sheppard 13 Oct 2024 no comment 221 Views

Most of us know that a healthy diet is an important facet of wellness, just like regular chiropractic care, getting enough sleep, and living an active lifestyle.

But did you know that a healthy diet helps to keep your back healthy?

It’s that direct—and that simple!

A healthy diet keeps your back healthy

Vitamins and minerals contribute to the healthy formation of bones, muscles and tissue.  Your spine, like the rest of your body, is composed of bones, muscles and tissue.  Your body needs the fundamental nutritional “building blocks” found in a healthy balanced diet.  Without them, your body can’t keep itself in tip-top shape.

The discs that cushion your bones need adequate water to keep them soft and springy.  Make their job easier by staying hydrated, preferably with fresh water.  Remember that caffeine and alcohol aren’t hydrating.  Be mindful of consuming excessive amounts of sugar in juices and soft drinks.

Anti-inflammatory foods can assist with pain management.  Some excellent anti-inflammatory foods include darkly coloured vegetables and fruits such as berries, beets, sweet potato, cherry, and dark green vegetables like kale, spinach and broccoli.  Furthermore, use olive oil, avocado, tree nuts, and lean chicken or turkey more often.  Enjoy green, white and herbal teas.  Also, many spices help to fight inflammation:  garlic, onions, basil, tumeric, oregano, rosemary and ginger.  In conclusion, season your food generously with these!

When you eat a balanced diet, your body can repair daily wear and tear.  And if you get an injury or experience some unusual stress, your body has enough “in reserve” to begin repairing the damage.

What you put into your body affects your body’s ability to keep itself operating at its best.  What you eat matters.  Whether or not you smoke or vape matters.  What you drink (alcoholic or otherwise) matters.

However, even with the best diet, your back will benefit from additional support.  Everyone should have a chiropractor and visit regularly for maintenance care.

If you’re experiencing stiffness, loss of flexibility, or aches and pains, contact Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 847-7172.  We would be honoured to help you.

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