By Jeff Sheppard 23 Jan 2024 no comment 302 Views

It’s a common question—how are you?  Many times we answer “fine” without really thinking.

But when you truly think about it…

How are you?

Do you truly feel “fine?”  Or do you have nagging aches, distracting pains, or stiffness that makes it harder to get around?

Is it enough to feel “fine,” or would you rather feel “great”?

Most people, given a choice, would choose to feel good rather than merely “okay.”  What can you do to promote your own well-being?

Chiropractic care promotes wellness

Wellness is more than just the absence of pain.  It is about turning “feeling okay” into “feeling great.”

It is possible to improve your wellness and quality of life.  Even if you have a chronic health condition, you will feel better if you take care of yourself.  Self-care has many aspects.  Firstly, good nutrition is one of them.  Connection with loved ones is another.  Receiving regular chiropractic maintenance care is a choice you can make to care for your body.

Chiropractic care is a critical part of wellness.  Chiropractic adjustments help to keep your musclo-skeletal system working at its best.  Your chiropractor will recommend a treatment schedule that suits your unique needs and health care goals.

Chiropractic care supports your body while you live an active lifestyle.  It can also assist with stress relief.

This is why we recommend maintenance care to our patients—to keep them feeling good.

Your chiropractor can guide you

Do you want to be more active, yet struggle to do it?  Maybe an active day leaves you feeling uncomfortably sore.  Perhaps a chronic health condition means your body needs extra support.  Do you have problems with your balance?  Or maybe you need some advice about starting a new activity.  Are you worried about falls?  Have you had a fall–or a hard wipe-out playing sports?  Perhaps your job also involves a lot of standing and lifting.  Or maybe you sit all day and in conclusion your body feels the strain.

Your chiropractor can assist you with all of these challenges.

You don’t have to be in pain to become a patient.  In conclusion, we welcome those who want to improve their wellness, support their bodies, and take an active role in their own well-being.

Sheppard Chiropractic Centre is accepting new patients!

We always appreciate referrals.  We also love to see family members, friends, and co-workers of our current patients.

If you’d like to become a patient, call us at Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172.  Let us know you’d like to schedule your first appointment.

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