By Jeff Sheppard 28 Jul 2023 no comment 351 Views
Did you know that back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries?
Why are back injuries among the most common workplace injuries?
Many of these injuries occur because of improper lifting and carrying techniques.
Did you know that most back injuries are preventable?
Learning to lift and carry safely minimizes your risk for back injuries.
How to Safely Lift and Carry
Stand close to the load to be lifted.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
Keep your back straight, and keep your feet and body facing in the same direction.
Squat down to the object’s level and test the weight of the load.
Use your leg and arm muscles to slowly lift the load.
Keep the load close to your body. Avoid twisting.
Pivot with your feet to turn and face the intended direction of travel.
This means that if you are lifting a box that belongs on a shelf to your right, don’t pick up the box and then twist your waist to reach the shelf on your right. Keep your spine straight, and use your feet to take however many steps you need to turn your entire body to the right. It’s the twisting action that leaves you particularly vulnerable to injury.
Then bend your knees and slowly lower the load to its intended place.
Tips to Avoid Workplace Injuries
Do not lift heavy objects above your waist.
Don’t try to carry too much at once! It’s better to make multiple trips than try to carry too many items at the same time.
Regular chiropractic maintenance care can lessen your chances of an injury when combined with safe lifting and carrying technique.
In summary, if you have a back injury, your chiropractor can help. Give Sheppard Chiropractic Centre a call at 635-8182 or 847-7172 and take your first step to recovery.