By Jeff Sheppard 30 Oct 2021 no comment 675 Views
Halloween is a time when it’s fun to be scared. To keep your frights delightful, be careful on the roads and sidewalks this Halloween.
The number one Halloween danger is the risk of being struck by a vehicle.
If you have to drive on the evening of October 31, slow down and be extra cautious! Children are out and about and very excited for trick-or-treat. Some of them have trouble seeing or moving in bulky costumes. Others might dart out from between parked cars or around corners without warning.
Remind your kids to look both ways before crossing the street and to do so only at crosswalks. Cars are harder to see in the dark, especially if they don’t have lights on.
To avoid Halloween danger, dress for success!
Help your children keep safe by choosing a costume that doesn’t impede visibility or movement. Give them a glow stick or flashlight to take trick-or-treating. Attach reflective tape to costumes (particularly dark coloured costumes). Consider face paint instead of a poorly fitted eye mask.
Halloween in Canada is often chilly. Be prepared to dress the kids for the weather. Roomier costumes can be layered overtop of turtlenecks, leggings, long johns or bodysuits.
Dress your kids in supportive footwear to protect their feet while they’re making the rounds. And if you’re taking out the younger ones, don’t forget to wear some supportive footwear yourself!
Pocket your cell phones to minimize Halloween danger.
It’s not a bad idea for older children to carry phones in case they need to get in touch with you. But phones need to stay in pockets when kids are out and about, both on Halloween and all year round.
Children whose attention is on a screen aren’t paying attention to their surroundings or where they’re going. It’s a lot easier to walk out into traffic, step in a hole, or bang into something when you’re caught up in a virtual world.
Teach kids to stop and find a safe place before using a phone, and remind them to look up regularly and check their surroundings.
If you’re having a monstrous time
If chasing after your kids makes you feel like a movie monster, lurching around stiffly and groaning… Then it’s time to call Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172. Remember, kids have spines too! If we haven’t seen your kids lately, we’d be happy to provide them with quality care tailored to their needs.
Happy Halloween!