By Jeff Sheppard 17 May 2023 no comment 357 Views

Do you have a lawn to take care of?  Are you a gardener?  Or are you planning to be active outside this Spring?

These six tips will help you get your yard work done and enjoy outdoor activities without the annoying accompaniment of back pain.

Avoid Injury During Yard Work

Warm up before you start.  Take ten minutes to walk around the block (swing your arms and lift your knees for added benefits) or even walk in place.

Follow your warm-up with stretches.  Your chiropractor can show you the best stretches to use.  Take frequent stretch breaks while you’re working.  As well, remember that you shouldn’t overextend yourself when you stretch.

Did you know that drinking water is good for your back?  The discs of your spine require water to stay cushiony and function properly.  Stay hydrated.  Also remember that coffee, tea and juice don’t count—pure, fresh water is best.

Lift heavy objects properly.  Get close to the object, bend your knees, hold the load close to your body.  Keep your back straight and use your leg and arm muscles to lift the load, slowly and smoothly.  If you need to turn, don’t twist your body—keep your back straight and use your feet to pivot your whole body.

Take breaks.  It’s important to rest when you’re tired.  Use the opportunity to stretch.  Trying to “push through” fatigue will raise your risk of injury.

If you do end up with a back ache that lasts more than a few days, or is painful enough to interfere with your everyday activities, call Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172.  Regular chiropractic maintenance will also help you avoid injury by keeping your body in optimum condition.

We hope that you, your yard and your garden are healthy and happy this spring!

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