By Jeff Sheppard 11 Mar 2022 no comment 674 Views
A chiropractor is a musculo-skeletal specialist. Many of us grow up with regular trips to our family doctors and dentists. Fewer of us grow up with regular spinal care.
There is a social myth that chiropractic care is only for older people.
Why would younger adults need regular chiropractic care?
Firstly, pople with an active lifestyle benefit from regular chiropractic care. Athletes see chiropractors to improve their performance and keep their bodies in the best possible health. Even if you don’t participate in competitive sports, your body experiences wear and tear from an active lifestyle.
Secondly, people of all ages have accidents like car accidents, falls, or “wipe outs” on your bike, skateboard, etc. Chiropratic care helps whiplash injuries and other injuries to heal properly. It also relieves pain and discomfort.
Thirdly, those who sit at a computer at work are vulnerable to injuries. So are people who like to spend their leisure time doing sedentiary activities like reading, watching TV or playing video games. All that sitting results in stresses and strains on your back that can lead to back pain over time. A chiropractor can help.
Lifting isn’t just for manual labourers
When people say “lifting” we often think of manual labourers. It is true that people who do physical work for a living benefit from chiropractic care, but all kinds of other people lift and carry regularly.
Do you have a baby or toddler? You probably pick up your child often.
Are you a caregiver, personal care worker, or nurse? Do you help elderly relatives get around, or run errands for them?
So, there are all kinds of people who lift things in their daily lives. Maybe you are reorganizing your living space. Or you’re bringing out seasonal clothing or decorations. And most of us buy more than a day’s worth of groceries at a time.
Some lifting injuries are acute. We say we have “thrown our back out.” Others are a result of stresses accumulating over time. Chiropractic care can help with both.
In conclusion, people of all ages can benefit from regular chiropractic care.
Help! I’m a younger adult without a regular chiropractor.
If you don’t already have a chiropractor, we are accepting new patients! Call Sheppard Chiropractic Centre at (506) 635-8182 or (506) 847-7172 and let our friendly staff know that you would like to schedule your first appointment.